Summer Grand Prix 2021: Klingenthal
The Norwegian ski jumper Marius Lindvik is ready to compete in the last event of the Summer Grand Prix 2021, that of Klingenthal, in Germany. On Friday, Marius qualified 4th in the qualification, jumping 136.0 m and scoring 143.9 points. On Saturday, in the 1st Round he finished 15th, jumping 124.0 m and with a score of 115.6, enough to qualify for the Final Round. In the Final Round he finished 9th, jumping 133.5 m, with a score of 127.0 points and a final score of 242.6 points. Marius Lindvik confirms himself as the king of comebacks, despite the fact that his results were affected by the wind and impossible weather conditions. Now Marius has to train to be ready for the World Cup. Until next time!